At 2 a.m. on Feb. 24 (The day after Berg had six shots at the Dr. - not smart) we crammed into the mini van and headed down to California. We stopped in Sacramento at one of our "lodge boy" friends' house and had dinner and slept overnight. Well, we tried to sleep. Kivi had her lovely night terrors every night during our whole CA stay. Our first night was elevated because right after Peter calmed her down - Opal woke up, walked over to Kivi's makeshift bed and did a butt drop on her head insisting Kivi was sleeping in her bed. Needless to say, much more screaming ensued. Sorry Paulsons! Thanks for hosting us and our screamers.
We went to CA for two reasons: My cousin, Tracy's, wedding and my Mimi's 80th birthday party. So we were able to see both sides of my family. And they were able to meet all the kids.
On the morning of the birthday party, all of my mom's side of the family showed up in white shirts and blue jeans so we could take a family picture. Mimi was so surprised to see all of her grandkids and great grandkids. She kept saying, "Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness."

It was a fun day to celebrate Mimi and watch her be the star of the show! We all love our Mimi so much!
The kids had tons of fun playing on Poppy's waterless pool and with Nonnie's huge Fisher Price doll house which she has every piece for.
On Tues. we had planned to go to Legoland. Poppy and Nonnie had take Eben and Kivi in Oct. and they loved it. So we knew our Lego lover would love it even more. We had even bought tickets before our trip. So come 12 a.m. Monday night, I decide we better make sure we had the correct times and even make sure it was open. Surprise! Legoland is closed on Tues. and Wed. and we were leaving CA on Wed.! So after a bit of shock and sadness, Peter decides we'll just go to Knott's Berry Farm instead. It turned out to be a great choice! The kids were still super excited, it wasn't crowded at all and they had added tons of roller coasters since we had been there years ago.
We did almost every ride in Camp Snoopy. This is on the train:
Opal and Jasper's favorite ride was the Red Barron airplane ride. We did it about four times. Eben and Kivi's favorite was the Sidewinder, which Opal and Jasper couldn't go on, but it was right across from the Red Barron - so it was perfect!
We ate lunch in a covered wagon while we watched the Wild West Stunt Show, which the kids thought was hilarious. We got our picture with the stuntmen after the show.
I just liked this picture of Mimi, Jasper and Kivi getting in line for the Log Ride.
We spent a lot of time in some insect/amphibian shack with Spelunker Sue and all her animals. She let us hold all of them. Actually, she kind of made us hold all of them. She would just set walking sticks, giant cockroaches and toads right on us.
One of the rides we'd never been on before, The Pony Express, was a super fun one. You hold onto the horse your sitting on and it goes speeding around the track. Actually, it was one of the only "big" roller coasters I could do. I got so nauseous on those loopy ones I thought I would puke all over. Peter and Poppy loved going on them all, but I was a wimp. And I used to love roller coasters! What happens when you get old?
By the time we got to the spinny, up and down, semi-fast rides. I'd gone on one too many "big" roller coasters - thinking I'd try again. And I couldn't even do the Tea Cups, oops I mean Mexican Hats.
We ended the day back in Camp Snoopy, the little kids were ready to do more rides their size. They even had a mini roller coaster that Opal could go on.