We drove in our cute blue van down to California on June 14th for Buggy's surprise engagement. Well, I should say Peter drove all the way down. I was going to drive but I never woke up after taking Bonine for car sickness. It completely knocked me out! I was no use driving, but Peter was amazing and drove the whole 20 hours with only a couple of bathrooms breaks. The kids did great too. (Not Berg. I think his crying was more of a pain for the rest of us though.)
Buggy was totally surprised when Kirk asked her to marry him. Of course she said, "yes" and then attacked him for her first kiss. Cute little Buggy all gettin' married.
They returned to my parent's house and we all surprised her at the door yelling, "Congratulations!" and then there was an engagement party with all of her friends.
After the party, Shmee came down with her "not yet boyfriend", Steve, and the guys had a handstand competition. Steve won. Sorry Kirk, I only have pictures of your booty.
The kids swam every day of course in Poppie and Nonnie's pool.
Nonnie worked diligently with Jasper and he got pretty good at swimming on his own.
Berg had a fun time giving all of the little toy people a bath in a tub of water outside with Mimi and Opal.
Our little jam session with Nonnie (and all the kids) playing piano, Poppie on violin, Peter with guitar and the rest of us trying to sing along.
Everyone got to know Pella this trip down. The little baby who refused to eat any food, only milk for her.
Poppie being silly Poppie!
Poppie and Nonnie took us to Sea World while we were there! Kivi had chosen Sea World as her 7th birthday amusement park, (On
Eben's 7th, we surprised him and Kivi with Disneyland.) so it worked out great!
I think the best thing about the whole day was the very first show we saw, the dolphin show. It had flying people, trainers swimming with dolphins, and fun music.
The rest of the shows were ok, but definitely not as cool as the first. Even the Shamu show was completely different than I remembered from my childhood. No one is allowed in the water with the whales after the drowning the trainer incident. So the trainers just dance on the stage while the whales swim around and splash people.
There was still a lot to see, like cool sea turtles, belugas, penguins, and sharks and some fun rides for the big kids.

There was actually too much to see for the little guys. They started getting sleepy around their normal nap time of 2:00. Thankfully Mimi bought us some time with a Shamu ice cream while the big kids went on the most anticipated ride, the Manta. We went to little kid land to let them play with things their size, but the rides were still to big for Opal. At one point she flopped herself down on the hot cement and yelled, "None of these people want me to have any fun! They won't let me ride any of their rides!" I let Jasper go on a net maze where the lady said their was only one exit. After waiting at the exit for about 10 minutes, it took me a while to get there, I was nursing Pella, and Opal (who was not in the greatest mood as mentioned previously) and Berg were walking behind me holding onto my skirt so I was going at a snail's pace, I finally went back to Mimi, ready to report a missing child. He was waiting there with her, but the way he told us he got to her was a mystery. Thank God we didn't lose him. Well, I did, then he found us.

The new ride, the Manta was the highlight for Eben and Kivi, and soon-to-be kind of related cousin Dusty. He's Kirk's brother. We call him Grandpa Dusty.
After, the Manta and little kid meltdown moment, Dada and Poppie went to the van with the youngest four for a much needed nap time while Mimi, Nonnie and I took Kivi, Eben and Dusty to ride Atlantis one more time.
We also tried to pet some dolphins before heading home. I got to pet one, but the kid's arms were an inch too short. They did get pretty close!
Thanks Poppie and Nonnie for a fun day at Sea World!