Although it was only July and Jasper's birthday wasn't until September, he was turning 7 the magical "choose a theme park birthday" and we were in CA so we decided to celebrate him then. The boy loves Legos so it was no surprise that his amusement park of choice was going to be Legoland. Mimi and Aunt Sherri watched the two littles so we wouldn't have to stop a lot for meltdowns due to no naps and Nonnie and Poppie were able to come along and celebrate with us!
We got to the park so early only a couple of rides we open. It wasn't a crowded day so we were able to ride and see everything the park had to offer just about.
All of the kids loved driving "for real" in the Lego cars on "real roads" with stop lights and signs. Jasper stopped to wave to all the Lego people and drove on the wrong side of the road the whole time.
We all enjoyed seeing just how many things were made out of Legos. It is pretty amazing! Jasper and Opal both decided that's where they want to work when they grow up.
Nonnie and Poppie were great sports and the kids loved having them to go on rides with. They all took turns going on a ride with a different adult. It was so wonderful to have a 1 to 1 ratio. It was a little too easy!
This log ride was the shortest ride ever and we waited in line for about 45 minutes. It was the longest line we had to wait in. We ate lunch in line while we practiced patience.
One of the rides ended up getting everyone completely soaked! Nonnie and I chose to keep all of our stuff dry and not ride after seeing people in front of us get off dripping wet, but Poppie and Dada went for it!
This spin you all around ride was one of their favorites.
Poppie and Nonnie got us all ice cream while we walked around the miniature land. We could've spent a whole lot more time there. We played "I spy" and my challenge was to try to find a mama holding a baby, which we finally found at the very end.
I think Jasper's favorite thing of the day was seeing the Chima movie. He and Eben wanted to wait in line for it instead of go on a ride even!
Jasper won our big slide race! Opal is still up at the top. She decided not to go at the last minute.
We ate some pizza for dinner, sang "Happy Birthday" and shot Jasper's 7th birthday kiss!
The last thing we did was head over to the aquarium for bit. Dada didn't hear that we were going to pretend to be underwater.
Crazy, big, swimming kids.
As we were going to the car to go home, we went through the gift shops and saw all the Legos for sale. The kids were so sweet looking longingly at all the merchandise. We told them sorry we weren't buying any Legos, Legoland was the present in itself and they said they all understood. But as we were getting into the car, I pulled out the wrapped gift we had brought with us all the way from WA and let Jasper open a gift right on the sidewalk in front of the ticket booths. He was pretty excited to end his day with an Avengers Lego set!

Jasper, you bring us joy every day. You're hilarious. You know who you are and you let others know. You are friendly, outgoing, helpful, getting less rough (your elbows still get in everyone's ribs even though you don't notice). And although you don't notice when you accidental hurt someone else with your Grasper abilities, you are still very sensitive when others hurt you and you let us all know with your loud voice! You are great at math, doing wonderful in reading and have great dance moves (you always have). We love to watch you interact with people. You are a magnet. You love others and you love your God. We love you too, Bubba! Happy 7th Birthday!