Our little baby turned TWO!! Pella loves a little knitted lamb that my sister, Shmee, made for her before she was born. She loved it so much, it doesn't even look like a lamb anymore. She loves it anyway and calls it Baa Baa, and that's why I decided a good theme for this little girly would be "sheep". I had a lot of fun making cute sheep for this party. The cute little flock was made out of stuffing I rolled into a ball and glued little faces and legs onto. The big sheep are just those balls you make out of tissue paper with a sheep face and legs too.

Pella helped out making the sheep PB&J sandwiches (with store bought white bread!!!!) by putting on the raisin face and ears.
I made little sheep cupcakes and the kids helped by licking the bowl and spoons. Pella thought they were so cute and would scrunch her face all up and in a high voice say, "Baby Baa Baa".

She also helped Dada make the honey butter to go with the rolls and venison stew for the mamas and dadas!
Then she posed for pictures on the mantle before her guests came.
Cousins Emma and Marlee even dressed up as sheep! They know me too well. We didn't have a dress up theme this time, but they win anyway.
Pella's guests in our cozy little home in front of the fireplace, which was burning, so it really was cozy.
We played "pin the fluff on the sheep" where the kids taped cotton balls to a sheep on the wall and "find the lost sheep" where Dada told the story from the Bible about the shepherd who left his 99 sheep to go find his one lost sheep while I hid the little sheep Opal made for the party.
Happy Birthday Pella! You are so much fun to have in our family! We all can't wait to hold you every morning, get you up from nap every evening and beg you to kiss and hug us all the time. Your are a very loved little girl. You call yourself "Baby", and you know you are special. You love sheep, books and the color pink. (See how much pink we used for you!) You are quickly learning how to talk and repeat everything we say now, except "Thank you" for which you still use sign language. You play with all of your brothers and sisters very well. You love doing what they do, especially drawing. We love watching you grow into a beautiful, little girl and can't wait to see how God uses you. You are one of his precious sheep and he loves to watch over you even more than we do! We love you, Baby!