We started off our Christmas morning by singing, "Happy Birthday" to Jesus while coming up the stairs and letting the kids blow out His candles, this time on Dada's homemade, super yummy cinnamon rolls.
We read Luke chapter two while Nonnie and Poppie followed along via web cam and lit our advent candles and the Christ candle before we ate a delicious breakfast of Dada's rolls, and quiche.
After everyone had their fill, Dada handed out the stockings. The kids love this part and loved getting all the little treats and necessities like individually wrapped fruit snacks and toothpaste. I'm so glad they are grateful no matter what the present. They just love the excitement and the fun this day brings. We went slow so that Grandma and Grandpa could join us and open their stockings too.
We decided to make it feel less chaotic and each child feel more apprieciated by all stopping to watch what every person opened. It made the opening part of the day much longer! But we were able to see what everyone got this way and take time for thank yous in between.

Dodie and poor, sick Mr. Steve joined us along with Uncle Chris, Auntie Tonya and all three cousins!
Dada sent us on his traditional scavenger hunt for the last, big gift. We got stumped at the wise men clue because we have so many nativity scenes around the house, but we finally found the last clue and then the presents in the van! The kids got a (free, hand-me-down!)Wii. (The first video game system is entering our house!!!) They played downstairs on the MamaDada bed for the rest of the day! Dada also surprised me with new, orange plates! A fun twist to our dining experience and we don't run out of little plates now.
Dada also decided to hydrofoil in the freezing water of our little lake and was pulled (or shall I say left in the water to freeze for a really long time until she got the boat figured out) by Shmee. Those of us who were not in the water really enjoyed it!

It was happy and sad. There were exciting parts and boring parts of the day. Lots of love and some arguments, too. It was family near and far altogether. It was a celebration of life, death and new life, of love coming down to earth. It was Christmas.
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