Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuff Time

Tuffy has had more newborn pictures taken than any of the kids. So the idea that you take less pictures of the younger kids is not true. Here he is with Dada the day after he was born, hanging out and being cute.

Grandma and Grandpa and aunts and uncles and cousins came to meet the new little man!

Dodie helped me try to take a fall picture on the 23rd of Tuff in a drawer with pumpkins next to the fireplace, but he didn't cooperate very well.

Opal cashed in her Special Helper Rockets to go out to ice cream with Mama and Dada and Tuffy and bought him a new outfit. She also bought Kivi a teapot and plate. What a sweet sister!

More cutie pics of our new man on the 24th:

Here's the first one we got of all the brothers and sisters together:

He looks so tiny!