Oct. 2nd - We took the kids up to Seattle to meet their new, two-day old cousin!

Oct. 9th - We went to the Spooner Farms Corn Maze - My favorite FALL thing to do!! We brought Nonnie along with us and did all of our traditional poses, on the bench, in front of the corn maze entrance and in the maze. We've never finished so fast before! We found all of the check points right away and got through the whole maze in about 1/2 an hour! Then we had some lunch and headed home. A great fun fall morning activity!

Oct. 14th - We attended Grandma Lee's memorial service and Marlee's bridal shower in one day!
Oct. 15th - Both of our new cousins came to visit! We took Buggy to JBF to buy her some baby stuff and the uncles stayed with all the kiddos. So I got a picture of all three of the little cousins!

Oct. 19th - Baby Hula Belly Shoot - We finally got one!

Most of the time Coal was trying to crawl all over the place and under my legs and Tuff was giving us his crazy evil smile! This is what most of the pictures looked like:

Oct. 20th - Eben turns 14!! We are celebrating his birthday later, but Dada and he went out to a birthday breakfast and Mama cut his hair all off and gave him a different style.

We also went to Peter's Aunt Valerie's memorial service.
Oct. 21st - The kid's all eat breakfast at the island!!! Well, Coal is still in his high chair, but close enough. This new kitchen is turning out great!

Oct. 22nd - Opal and Jasper get a turn to paint Mama's belly. They chose to do a globe theme and did such a great job! I love the one where we are all holding a globe!

Oct. 23rd - Dada hangs our pendant lights over the island. More finishing touches!

Oct. 25th - We have to start our Awana year later because of the remodel going on at our church. (Our kids think it crazy that the only two places we go are having huge remodels done at the same time.) So we had a Drive-In where the kids decorated cardboard cars and sat in them to watch a movie. The kids had fun coming up with their own car designs and eating tons of popcorn with their friends.
Oct. 26th - We keep having birds fly into our dining room window and breaking their necks and dying. So I suggested that they use one of these dead birds as a dissection project. I was surprised that they got so into it! We watched a bird dissection video on YouTube first and then those brave kids just cut that bird right open and found all of it's organs. Kivi did most of the cutting, Opal and Pella illustrated what they found and labeled parts and Eben video taped the process.

Oct. 27th - We took the fall baby pumpkin line up picture!

Peter threw me a surprise party for my 42nd birthday! He ended up telling me about it because he was trying to send me to go shopping at Goodwill Outlet, but all I wanted to do was stay home and rest. So I stayed in my room and he and the kids cleaned the house and set everything up for a fondue gaming party! He even bought me new linen napkins (which Kivi made into candles!) and an extra long runner!

Oct. 31st - Our church didn't have a Harvest Carnival this year because of the remodel and Peter said that was a blessing. The kids all choose their own costumes, which I thought they would appreciate, but they all said it was better when we dressed up together. That actually made me happy that they like doing our crazy family costumes. But not this year. So they dressed up and we took them trick or treating for the first time (that they can remember). We went once before when Eben was two or three. We joined some friends and had a fun time going door to door. The kids were nervous at first, but ended up having a blast and it was a warmer night, so everyone stayed happy - even the littles!