June 22-27th was Day Camp Week! We had so much fun doing this with our friends the DeyArmins last year, we couldn't wait to do it again. Our friends, the Ericksons let us borrow their trailer again and we slept in that in front of the house each night, but dinners and breakfasts we ate together in the house.
We had such a fun week. Camp takes up most of the day, from 9am until 4pm but after that the kids have so much time to play with animals, run, explore and just be kids together. 
One of the families we took to camp let us have a farm day and visit their pigs, chickens, horses and cows after camp.
The cows were so skittish, but we learned that if you lay in the middle of the field, the cows will just come up to you and check you out. It sounded scary because they are large animals. Kivi was the first brave one to try it out and was quickly surrounded.
The 3 older boys got courageous and laid down too, but they kept moving so the cows didn't get too close.
The kids all tried to have a sleep over in tents the last night, but it rained so hard they all backed out except the 3 oldest boys.
Hopefully at some point they'll post pictures of the actual camp and then I can put some on here. We learned about the entire Bible and memorized words and motions that help us remember every part of the old and new testaments! It was a great week.