My family stayed with us through August 17th and the 2nd half of our time together was lots of fun too! We spent a lot of time enjoying the lake, cause it was HOT! Lots of jet skiing and swimming and playing in the sun.
This is my favorite picture of Peter and Jasper, they have the same funny look on their faces. Bubba loves the jet ski! He even makes his food, forks, play-dough and blocks into jet skis so it's funny that he has this non-plused expression.
My little sister, Buggy, became known as the flipper after this incident with my mom. She got all gutsy and brave all of a sudden and tried to do tricks, which ended up being flips - and dumped it.
Even Mimi got out there and showed her stuff. She kept throttling it and then letting go, full power, no power - It was hilarious! But she did it, and we were so proud. Go Mimi!
Nonnie and all of her grandbabies.
My mom, Mamacita, Nonnie - They're all the same person. I have a thing with nicknames - I like them. She hates them. That's what you get when you try to name your kids names that have no variant I guess.
All of the swimmer girls on the water trampoline (that doesn't bounce) and one boy.
We played croquet and Mamacita worked us. I think it had a lot to do with the professional stance she was using.
All the ladies went out to "High Tea" at a little local place in Lakewood. High, hot tea. We almost melted. The food was good, but there were no fans and being a complete Washingtonian I almost died.
My cousin Brian, Aunt Sherri's son, was able to come down for an evening with his cute girlfriend. We went racing and although Peter got first, because he had one more lap than me - because I had to stop (GAS was squirting all over me! Turns out that's normal. ??? I thought I would blow-up.) I still got the fastest lap time. So I considered myself the winner, which we debated for a long time. But, in an effort to be a humble (ha) wife, I will now accept that my husband won the race.
After dinner that night, Eben and Kivi excused themselves from the outdoor deck table and went inside to play. 1/2 an hour later they annouce that the "show" is ready so we all sit back and they parade around the table in the lovely princess dress-up clothes that Kivi got for her birthday. Guess it's time to get Eben a dress-up box of his own, I mean, with BOY stuff in it.
I just like this picture of Poppie and Eben.
One of the last nights they were here we had fondue. It was on Buggy's list of things she wanted to do. It was a long list - we didn't get to do all of them. But eating melted chocolate -we can do that.
We had so much fun with our family. Thank you all for coming up and playing with us! We love you!
Those are all great. The picture of Eben and Kivi in the dress up clothes that I got her for her birthday is a crack up!!! At least I know what to get Eben in October!! That will be a total black-mail picture when he gets older! One to show any time he brings a girl over! ha ha, too funny. And your Mimi on the jet ski, what a woman!!!
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