God has blessed us with a beautiful baby GIRL!
(I knew it the whole time, crazy hormones!)
Pella Kersten Johnson

She was born on Wednesday, November 23rd at 10:55pm (actually 10:57 we found out by watching the video - but the paperwork is already filled out so, oh well, minor details.)
She weighs 6 lbs. 6 oz. and is 19 inches long with a 13 inch head.
Her name means "rock" (of course). It's the Greek variant of Peter or Petra. Kersten is Peter's maternal grandmother's maiden name. And an added bonus - she was born on Grandma and Grandpa's 45 wedding anniversary!
On a drive home from Costco I had 2 contractions. Then we waited for hours for something to happen. We watched a movie, I sat on the ball. Nothing. I was beginning to think I was wrong and maybe they were just really strong braxton hicks. My shoulders hurt so I got in the tub. I had another really strong contraction. I told Peter I think it's going to happen soon. He called our midwife and he and Nonnie got the cameras ready. Ten minutes and one huge contraction later...
So, welcome to the world Baby Pella! We all love you so much already! And you gave us all something to be so extremely thankful to God for!
We didn't have a hat for her so Dada made her one out his sock. (It was a clean sock, a nice fuzzy wool one - I love it!) She's wearing it for the kissing picture.

A couple of hours later we introduced Pella to her brothers and sisters. They all took turns holding her and kissing her and trying to call her Pella instead of Baby Wormie. Then we all laid hands on her and Dada prayed a blessing for her life, that we would raise her the way God wants us to and that she would glorify God with her life.
Sweet little pie looking at the camera. An eyes open shot already!

We had asked Chris and Tonya to host Thanksgiving dinner because our due date was the day before and we didn't know what would happen. And good thing we did! They had a beautiful Thanksgiving spread and almost the whole Johnson, Johnson, Tague clan was there! Dinner was delicious! Everyone was able to meet Baby Pella before she even turned a day old!
Our newest little baby girl, we love you so much!