We started a tradition when Eben turned seven to let our kids chose an amusement park for their birthday. Berg chose Disneyland! Good choice, Berg! He was able to turn 7 three months earlier than any of his siblings because the only time for our Disney trip was the beginning of February! Sadly, on the drive down, Eben and Kivi were knocked out with sickness, and the couple of days we stayed at Poppie and Nonnie's house the rest of the kids got it. But by Feb. 1st almost everyone was doing great, except Dada who medicated and powered through the whole day. We were going to do some fun CA activities before Disney, but no one really felt like doing anything except playing at the house and watching movies since they were all recovering from the yuckiness. We did manage to go to a very cool indoor climbing gym, Pella got a hair cut by Nonnie and we had some In 'N Out Burger. But that's about all the fun we accomplished for our first three vacation days.

I'm glad we laid low though, because everyone being well (except Dada, who doesn't cry, so it didn't bother anyone else) really helped us have a great Bergie Birthday celebration.
Berg's Kissing Picture in front of the flower Mickey head and all of us on Main Street.
Peter thought it was crazy and pathetic that the first ride we chose was the Storybook Ride. It was actually way more crowded of a day than we were anticipating and Berg did not want to go on a roller coaster - yet. So a gentle, slow moving boat ride through miniature castles it was. We were the first ones on it! Then we rode the Alice in Wonderland ride and then against Berg's previous request, the Matterhorn. He cried and whined in line, and then loved it.
So we were able to go on all the roller coaster rides after that! We actually were able to go on every ride, because although it looked really crowded the lines moved fast and we snacked and ate our lunch in line. We always bring cheese, crackers, salami, grapes, oranges, popcorn, chips, water and other snacks in backpacks.
The longest line we had to wait in was the Mickey Mouse line. Berg really wanted to meet him. So we did. Well, Berg and Mama did, everyone else went on the Chip and Dale roller coaster.
Our great Toon Town pictures.
The Magic castle - morning, noon and night. Before this night time shot we were watching the electrical parade while eating ice cream and singing, "Happy Birthday" to our boy.
Before we left CA, the kids all said goodbye to the pool, they will miss it so much. Poppie built this pool and I think it's the thing they look forward to the most about visiting. They had a whole extra day to play in it, even though it had no water, because we needed to let our sick Dada sleep for a day before we headed back home.

This was a fun birthday, Berg! I'm so glad we all got to share it with you! It kind of summed up how you are in other areas too, scared at first, then excited to jump in with both feet once you've tried it. You are an amazing kid. You are kind and loving and super giving. You've giving away almost all of your toys to other kids having birthdays, your siblings or me. You were baptized this year! You want to be a missionary in Florida when you grow up and not have any kids. You love Eben, games - any games and always want to play. You are great at memorizing your verses. You hate water. You don't wear a shirt to bed. You almost always wear your clothes backwards or inside out (or both). You have skipped a grade in math. You do the same school work in all the other areas as Jasper and Opal. So in case you forget - you are super, crazy smart! Sadly, you are losing your "squish" and becoming all muscle. But you will always be our Squish, because you are our Squishy and we love you. God made you amazing and lovable for His amazing purpose and we can't wait to watch and see!