Monday, May 9, 2011

The "Catch Up" post for April

Hi all. It's Peter. Since yesterday was Mother's Day, I'm going to help out Abby by bringing my uncritical, C+ approach to creating a few blogs that will catch her up through May. Abby is wonderfully selective concerning what she wants to blog about and which photos she is willing to edit and post. Terrific for posterity, not so much for expediency.

So sit back, relax and enjoy a haphazardly selected smattering of unedited Johnson family pics from April!

We got lucky and caught one of the 4 non raining days in the month to watch the Daffodil parade with friends in downtown Tacoma.

The Seafare pirates where on scene and loved Jasper's eyepatch! I think they thought he was a big fan, but he probably would have been wearing the patch if we had been going to Costco or church. That's just how he rolls.

We tried out the annual Easter Egg hunt at Wilcox Farms. Positives- free omelets! Not so positives- about 1000 kids and their parents had the same idea.

We did get to tour the egg packaging plant. Very cool and humbling compared to our current egg production of two a day. Positive #2- free hair nets!

I played in my second "Helmets vs Shields" charity basketball game and made it through this year's game without stitches. While the police did not win this year, we did come in a solid second place...
Note that I'm about the shortest guy in the picture. Weird, right? Thanks to our family and friends for coming out to watch and supporting a great cause.!

1 comment:

Tiffany Nevil said...

Hurray for catch up! What a guy you are Peter. I love the glimpses of the finished dining room!