Saturday, December 31, 2016

Berg's Star Party!

We celebrated our Squishy turning 6! He wanted a Star Party. Not Star Wars or Rock Star - Star. So that's what we did! He made his own Berg "star" shirt for his party.

Everyone made a ninja star when they got there and then the adult had to try to get their kids to catch it. The Schocks caught Eben's star.

All of Bergie's birthday friends. After the group picture we all shared a pizza dinner with a side of broccoli of course.

We had a shooting star gallery and had kid and adult rounds to see who could shoot the star with nerf guns.  Berg won! And we had a gold star hunt. We hid stars all over and the kids had to try to find the 6 gold stars.

Berg also wanted a piñata, which we rarely do at parties. Carl won!

Berg chose apple and berry pie a la mode instead of cake this year. Good choice, Berg! Everyone loves pie.

Then Berg Doog opened his presents and thanked everyone with a big hug.

Our Berg.

Berg, our big, getting less squishy, still super cuddly, six year-old man. We love you so much! You bring us so much joy! You are the most sharing, giving, helpful, kind, loving soul. You love broccoli, milk, pizza and cobbler. You decided you were too old for your nay-nay. You love to give all your toys away to friends or siblings.  You can be shy and sometimes chose not to participate in things you're not sure of. You hate water. You have the greatest, thick hair and love it when I scratch your head. You love, love math and zoomed through your Kindergarten math book and into first grade. You're amazing at reading. You love Jesus. You want to be a missionary in Florida and not have any kids. We think whatever you do, you will be amazing because you do it for God's glory and you love Him! You will be very blessed, Berg. Shine bright for Jesus, Berg. You are His light in this dark world!

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