4th - Auntie Tonya's Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing day in the bus!
9th - Coop painting day!
10th - Tuff & Flint's Bee and Ladybug Party!
Tuff, you are now four! It was your idea to have a ladybug birthday party even though you are very into dinosaurs, trucks, movies, dancing and playing with your brothers. You do love gardening, so maybe that's where you got it. We don't know. You are always coming up with crazy ideas and stories and songs. And you were very excited to share your day with your Swiggy! You are big and bold and adventurous but can also get shy quickly. You like to be in charge, especially of Coal and Flint, but often tell your big brothers and sisters and even Mama what to do. And you really do think you are the boss. You love that Coal is in your Sunday school class, but like to go to worship in big church first. You go to Cubbies, but don't like to wear your vest. You are very good at watching the babies every day in the basement while the big kids do math! You are such a great big brother. You have to tell us so many things before you go to bed each night such as, "Will you wake us up at 8:00?" "Can you fill up my water?" " What if I have to go potty?" "Will you remember to wake us up?" "Will this be a short nap?" "Can you make it a small crack?" "Did you pray with us?" "Are you going to tuck me in?" Of course, we have already gone over all these things, but you like to go over them again as I'm closing the door to your room. You have a huge personality and love everyone. According to you, you even have a girlfriend, Joey! You make us laugh all the time. I wish we could record your whole life and rewatch all the hilarious things you say and do! We love you so much and can't wait to see how God is going to use your bigger for life personality to honor Him!
Happy Birthday, Four Year Old!
Happy Birthday, Four Year Old!
Flint, our baby boy! How has a year passed? You are the smiliest, happiest baby! You love everyone and let anyone hold you. You are very wiggly during diaper changes. You still don't have any teeth!! You have the sweetest strawberry blonde, reddish hair and get lots of little bumps all over your cheeks. You crawl but won't try walking. You love bottles, your ney-ney, and binkies. You make silly sniffy faces, love to clap, kiss with a big open mouth, sometimes with tongue. You love stories, crawling all over the house, from room to room looking for your siblings. You are very good and not getting into things you can't touch. We love you, you cute little Swiggy man and God loves you! We are so glad he put you in our family! Happy First Birthday!
12th - Flint's one year old photos
13th - Kivi's Cross Country Banquet
21st - Mama finds a dead owl and preserves its wings in cornmeal. I did not succeeded in my one goal for the year, so I'll have to substitute this owl for my raccoon.
21- 24th - Ocean Shores Thanksgiving get away!
25th - The Great Christmas Tree Hunt at Hunter Farms!
25th - Friendsgiving at the Wells!
27th - Eben puts up the tree and we get out Christmas decorations.
28th - Painting a nativity set. Jasper is the dragon in the Awana skit.
29th - Mama gives blood for the first time.
30th - Making gingerbread and designing Gingerbread Bethlehem.