Thursday, June 5, 2014

More Chicks!

On March 13th Kivi and Eben presented Dada with a petition it read:

               Dear Dada, 
Me and Eben would really like baby chicks. If you let us get them we will clean up after them. We will spend our money on them and take care of them when they are grown up as well. That means we will go out and feed them when they are out of food, collect eggs and take out the water and fill it up. When they are chicks, we will also feed and water them, clean up their poop, and when we first get them if we do, we will make up the fire place and garage for them. We have put away the older chickens to help the family and to prove to you we are responsible for chicks. If we get them it will mean more eggs to make up for Puff and Mooney's not laying and the loss of Eben, Jasper's and my chickens, from raccoon attacks. We will continue locking and letting out of the chickens. We hope you agree to our petition and let us have chicks. We have also proven ourselfs with fish and frogs.
                 Kivi and Eben

Needless to say Dada said yes to their adorable request. How could he say no? Dada agreed to three new chicks.

When we actually were able to go to get the chicks on March 26th, Dell's would only sell them in groups of six! So everyone got a new baby chick. We got three Leghorns and three Ameraucanas. Opal's is Winky. Pella's is Chunky Chicky. Kivi's is Butterscotch (Butter). Eben's is Hugo. Jasper's is Sleepy. Berg's is Bunky.

We actually got the idea of having the kids write a petition for something they really wanted from a family with 9 kids who went to our old church. When I found out their kids had to write their father a petition to help me lead preschoolers in song time I thought, "What strict parents!" However, when I thought more about it I realized that asking their father in such a formal way was not only good writing practice for one, it also helped them organize their thoughts, think through why they really wanted what they were petitioning for and come up with good reasons why. It is also what God calls us to do. We are to go to Him first. We are suppose to take all of our "petitions" to Him. Sometimes He says yes and sometimes it's no. Right now our kids have to trust their earthly father for decisions in life. Later on they're going to have to trust God alone. Both fathers have their best interest in mind for their children. I pray all our kids will know the love God has for them and the great plan He has for their lives and the importance of petitioning their Father just like they petition their Dada and know his love for them now.

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