Friday, November 15, 2013

First Stop Egypt!

We finally started "school" a.k.a."Just Learning" the second week of September. The start up was a bit more rough than other years. We went so many places and had many visitors during our summer so I couldn't school them right through like I had all the other years. I worked hard on figuring out a schedule where I could teach all four of them. That was new and required a tighter schedule, and we're still figuring it out. 

 After our initial "Book About Me Week" the kids decided to spend our first month of homeschooling in Egypt, Ancient Egypt actually. We built pyramids, learned how to embalm and wrap a mummy, we designed our own pharaoh crowns, wore Egyptian eye makeup (it wasn't just for girls!), drew maps, wrote our own hieroglyphic stories and read lots of books.

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